January 27, 2024

What to Do When Your Facebook Ad Account or Facebook Page Gets Hacked

January 2024 UPDATED

Getting your Facebook page or ads account hacked is certainly an unnerving experience. After all, aside from gaining information about your business or brand, hackers will also have access to your payment methods once they get into your account.

In most cases, hackers hack into an ad account to run suspicious or fake ads. They use your credit card or other payment method associated with your account to run their ads.

Depending on your account’s billing settings and the magnitude of the cyber-attack, you could end up being charged thousands of dollars in just a few minutes because of the hackers’ unauthorized ads.

Take Immediate Action

Deactivate Unauthorised Ads

If your account gets hacked, the first thing that you have to do is turn off or deactivate the fake or unauthorized ads created by the hackers.

Although doing so will not immediately solve all of the issues related to your hacked account, turning the suspicious ads off will give you time to carry out the necessary steps to fix the problem.

Also, deactivating the ads will stop Facebook from charging your credit card or other payment methods connected to your account.

Check Hackers’ Activities

Unfortunately, turning off unauthorized ads doesn’t always work. If the hackers already have access to your ads account, they can easily reactivate the fake ads every time you turn them off.

To check if someone is reactivating the ads you have deactivated, click on the clock-shaped icon on the right-hand side panel of your Ads Manager account.

Through this feature, you’ll be able to view the history of the changes made to your account based on the date range that you set.

Aside from showing when the fake or suspicious ads were activated, this feature will also show the name of the person or account that made the changes.

Review Your Account’s Rules and Settings

Another action that you should take when your Facebook page or Meta ads account gets hacked is to review and check your account’s rules and settings. This crucial tip was shared with us by Jeremy of Dad Certified.

Jeremy reached out to us to let us know how this article was able to help him when their company’s ads account got hacked. He noted that one of the strategies the hacker used was changing their account’s rules so that whenever they turned off their running ads or campaigns, they would automatically reactivate at a later time.

To prevent this from happening, make sure to carefully go over your account’s settings to identify any changes made by the hacker.

Report the Incident

Get In Touch With Facebook

After deactivating the unauthorized ads and restricting the hacker’s access to your ads account, get in touch with Facebook to report the incident.

Unfortunately, you probably won’t be able to speak to someone from Facebook in person, even though the issue with your account is pretty serious.

Instead, you can get in touch with the social media giant either through the Live Chat or email messaging feature of its Facebook for Business Help page.

After reaching out to Facebook to explain what happened to your account, make sure to file a report through its Ads Payment Section.

Through the form’s options, you’ll be able to notify Facebook regarding the unauthorized charges made to your account because of the fake ads.

Notify Payment Providers

Aside from Facebook, you should also contact the company that handles the payments connected to your ads account, which could be your credit card provider or PayPal.

Notify them about the unauthorized charges to your account and ask them if they could stop payments to Facebook until everything has been sorted out.

You’ll also be able to process the necessary refunds or payment cancellations through this step.

Facebook Ad Creatives that Convert

Worked hard on a Facebook ad only to spend so much and make little ROAS after? Try our guide on creating ad creatives that help optimise conversions.

Securing Your Account

Consider Your Account’s Multiple Access Points

Although it’s easy to assume that the person reactivating the unauthorized ads is the one who hacked into your ads account, this usually isn’t the case.

Most of the time, this person, who is probably a team member with access to your ads account, was also targeted by the hacker. There’s a good chance that his or her account was hacked in order to gain access to your ads account.

Tracking Suspicious Login Activities

Tracking down the account that the hacker used to gain control of your ads account is a vital step in solving the problem.

One possible way to accomplish this is by asking everyone who has access to your ads account to click on the Security and Login tab in the Settings page.

From here, you’ll be able to see a section that shows you the devices and locations related to the login activities.

A suspicious login activity, such as from an unrecognized device or location, is a clear indicator that the account has been hacked.

Once you have identified which account has been hacked, immediately remove its access to your ad account by clicking on the People tab in the Setting page.

From here, you’ll be able to remove access for the account that has been hacked.

Create A New Password

To make sure that your Facebook page or ads account doesn’t get hacked again, adjust the settings of your account and carry out a couple of safety measures. These include changing your password, which should be done intermittently, and enabling two-factor authentication.

Through this security feature, hackers won’t be able to access your account as long as they don’t have your phone or mobile device.

Restrict Access To Ads Account

Also, if you’re working with a team or small company, limit the number of people who have access to your Facebook page and ads account. Doing so will lower the chances of someone gaining unauthorized access to your account.

You should also set up your account’s Login Alerts feature so it will notify you whenever someone accesses your Facebook page or ads account using a new device.

Establish Spending Limits

Another security measure that you should practice is establishing spending limits on your ads account. Like a security blanket, the spending limit will reduce the cost of the unauthorized ads created by hackers.

Although the hackers can adjust the spending limits once they gain access to your account, you will be notified by the system regarding the changes. This feature could serve as another alert system for your account.

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Improve Your Company’s Cyber Security

In addition to securing your Facebook ads account, improving the company’s overall security measures can also help protect the organization’s operations.

After all, in today’s digital age, most of a company’s activities are conducted online, which makes it more vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

For instance, in October 2021, it was reported that private hospital group Macquarie Health Corporation was targeted by hackers.

In a dark web post, the hackers claimed that they were able to gain access to the personal data and information of about 6,700 individuals, which included passwords for PayPal, Facebook, and Amazon.

This type of incident highlights the significance of cyber security. If you are a marketer, a business owner, or a company executive that handles the online presence and activities of your organization, it’s important to follow certain security guidelines to avoid being targeted and victimised by hackers.

Enforce Password Rules

As a business owner or company official, it’s important to enforce strict password rules to ensure that the accounts of your employees are secure and not susceptible to hacking.

Aside from using strong passwords, regularly updating or changing them can also prevent hackers from gaining unauthorized access to the accounts related to your company.

Maintain Regular Software Updates

If your company or place of work relies on certain software or programs for your operations, it’s important to update them regularly.

Aside from introducing and installing new security features, these regular updates and maintenance procedures can also fix software errors and issues that can lead to vulnerabilities.

Upgrade Security Protocols

As mentioned earlier, using two-factor authentication can prevent hackers from accessing your account, since this usually requires using another device.

Asking your employees and team members to use multi-factor authentication methods can provide added security layers to your company’s online accounts.  

Simulate Phishing Attacks

For large companies or those that have multiple departments and several team members, you can analyse the cyber security awareness of employees by conducting phishing simulations.

This activity involves sending fraudulent messages that ask for information related to the company’s accounts. Doing so allows you to identify which of your employees are susceptible to falling for phishing attacks.

Implement The Use Of VPNs

Relying on the standard security measures provided by generic networks can leave your company vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

You can avoid this by implementing the use of virtual private networks (VPNs), especially for employees who tend to work remotely and often connect through public Wi-Fi networks.

Doing so ensures that you and your staff members are accessing the company’s accounts and social media channels using a secured network

Many Facebook Ads Experts believe that using different security features is important in order to keep your account safe. Aside from using these features, you can also ask the help of a Facebook ads agency to handle your business or brand’s ads account. In addition to keeping your account safe, the agency’s social media experts will ensure that your Facebook marketing strategy will run smoothly. A proper Facebook marketing agency can guarantee the success and safety of your online business or brand.

Deep dive with our hive’s Facebook Ad Expert for a FREE 30-minute strategy call. Contact us at 1300 041 469 today!

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October 30, 2023

2024 Digital Marketing Strategies for NDIS Providers

Over the years, marketing has experienced a transformative evolution, transitioning from broad, generic approaches to database and, subsequently, targeted marketing. The platforms and channels have been dynamic, moving from traditional mediums like television, radio, and telephone to the contemporary digital realm, working with an NDIS marketing agency, encompassing websites, social media, and advertising. We see a lot of impact investments too, with customers expressing support towards customers with sustainability and social responsibility initiatives

For NDIS businesses, this means keeping up with the trends and incorporating these new strategies to help advance your offerings to the communities you serve.

Looking ahead, several key trends are poised to shape the marketing landscape:

AI-Powered Strategies

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the marketing domain. By harnessing AI algorithms, marketers can sift through vast amounts of consumer data, identifying patterns that might be indiscernible to the human eye. These algorithms can predict future consumer behaviours based on past trends, allowing businesses to anticipate needs before they arise, as well as offer unique customer experiences catered for each user.

Furthermore, AI aids in automating routine marketing chores, resulting in campaigns that resonate more with individuals and are delivered more efficiently. NDIS provider advertising initiatives become more optimised too.


The digital age has brought a deluge of data and customer interactions. Manually managing these can be daunting. Enter automation tools. From segmenting email lists for tailored campaigns to deploying chatbots for instantaneous customer interactions, automation is transforming the landscape. It’s not merely about efficiency; it’s about enhancing customer engagement. Immediate responses can make the difference between a converted lead and a missed opportunity.

Social Commerce

The line between social media and e-commerce is blurring. Today’s consumers often discover products through social feeds, making platforms like Instagram and Facebook more than just socialising hubs—they’re the new-age malls. Recognising this, brands with the help of NDIS marketing guidelines, are embedding shopping features within these platforms, allowing for a seamless transition from discovery to purchase.

Video Marketing

In our fast-paced world, video stands out as a medium that captures both the eye and mind. Platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels offer brands a stage to tell their stories, demonstrate products, or even offer quick tutorials. The shareability factor of videos means they can virally spread, amplifying their reach.

Live Streaming will further increase popularity too, providing audiences with real time interaction, access to live events, and behind-the-scenes. These channels nurture customer relationships and encourage brand loyalty. 

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Privacy-Centric Campaigns

In an era of data breaches, privacy isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a commitment. Marketers are now prioritising data protection, aligning with stringent regulations like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the recently-revisited Australian Privacy Act. This commitment assures consumers that their data is treated with respect and integrity.

Prioritisation of First-Party Data

As third-party data encounters growing scrutiny and restrictions, there’s a renewed focus on first-party data. This data, sourced directly from customers, offers genuine insights and aids in crafting tailored campaigns. Marketers today prioritise building robust first-party data repositories for a clearer consumer understanding.

Impact Investments

Brands are no longer just profit-driven entities; they’re becoming agents of change. Consumers, especially the younger generation, value brands that align profitability with purpose. They are looking for businesses supporting sustainability and social responsibility causes. Impact investments showcase a brand’s commitment to larger societal and environmental causes, cementing their reputation and fostering deeper customer relationships.

Inclusive Marketing

Inclusive marketing embraces diverse audiences, ensuring representation in campaigns across race, gender, ability, and more. It’s not just ethical; it resonates authentically with global consumers, fostering trust and broadening a brand’s appeal. A good example of inclusive marketing are accessible websites designed to be easily navigated by people with or without disabilities.

The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing, driven by technological innovations and changing consumer values. From the integration of AI and automation to the emphasis on data privacy and social responsibility and the call for increased inclusivity in marketing campaigns, businesses need to adapt and evolve. As these trends shape the future, brands that align themselves with these forward-thinking strategies and consumer expectations are poised to thrive in the ever-competitive marketplace.

Not sure where to begin? Let us guide you! At Digital Marketer Bee, we boast years of expertise in the NDIS sector. We’re well-versed in its intricacies and are adept at navigating the specific requirements and sensitivities inherent to the NDIS realm. Contact us today to see how we can help!

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July 07, 2023

Advantages of Digital Marketing for NDIS

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any organisation, including those operating within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) sector. For NDIS service providers, digital marketing offers a range of strategies that are crucial in reaching your target audience effectively and communicating the value of your services. 

Here are some key benefits of leveraging NDIS digital marketing initiatives:

Increased Visibility and Reach

Digital marketing allows you to expand your reach and visibility beyond traditional marketing channels. By optimising your website with relevant keywords, you can improve its search engine rankings and attract organic traffic from individuals actively seeking NDIS-related information or services.

Targeted Marketing

Through various digital marketing techniques, such as search engine marketing (SEM) and social media advertising, you can precisely target your desired audience. By focusing your efforts on specific demographics or geographical regions, you can maximise the efficiency of your marketing budget and increase the chances of converting visitors into participants or clients.

Building Trust and Credibility

A well-designed and informative website builds trust and credibility among potential NDIS participants, their families, and other stakeholders. By providing valuable content, testimonials, success stories, and relevant information about your organisation, you establish yourself as a reliable source of NDIS-related support.

Engaging Content Marketing

Compelling and informative content plays a vital role in engaging your target audience. By regularly publishing blog posts, articles, videos, or infographics, you can educate, inspire, and address the concerns of your potential NDIS participants, ultimately driving them towards taking positive actions.

Measurable Results and Data Analytics

One of the greatest advantages of digital marketing is its ability to track and measure results accurately. Through web analytics tools and performance indicators, you can monitor the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, gain insights into user behaviour, and make data-driven decisions to optimise your strategies continuously.

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Optimising Your NDIS Website for Success

With these advantages, below are some of essential steps to elevate your NDIS marketing strategies and ensure continuous business success:

Keyword Research and Optimisation

Perform thorough keyword research to identify the most relevant terms and phrases your target audience uses when searching for NDIS-related information. Incorporate these keywords naturally throughout your website’s content, including headings, meta tags, and image descriptions, to improve its search engine visibility.

User-Friendly Website Design

Ensure your website is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and mobile-friendly. Optimise its loading speed and organise content into sections with clear headings and subheadings. Also, remember to work on your NDIS website design with a trusted local digital marketing agency that fully understands your needs.

Compelling Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Guide your website visitors towards desired actions by incorporating compelling CTAs throughout your webpages. Whether it’s signing up for newsletters, contacting your organisation, or participating in NDIS programs, CTAs encourage engagement and conversion.

Social Media Integration

Integrate your NDIS website with relevant social media platforms to extend your reach and foster community engagement. Regularly share valuable content, success stories, and updates across your social media channels, driving traffic back to your website.

Continuous Content Creation and Optimisation

Consistently publish high-quality and relevant content on your website to attract and retain your target audience. Optimise your content with proper headings, bullet points, and relevant keywords. This not only helps with SEO but also improves readability and user experience. Using web analytics tools like Google Analytics also helps in identifying areas for improvement in your digital marketing campaign.

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5 Ways to Grow Your Business in Australia with Social Media

Social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses looking to reach and engage with customers. While it has been used as a digital marketing tool for some time now, the landscape has changed significantly. Keeping up with the trends and making the most of all the different platforms and content types out there is critical. 

Nowadays, it’s not just about having an account and posting regularly – one needs a well-planned, multi-faceted strategy to succeed. So take your time, plan things out, and execute carefully. 

To make the most of social media for your business growth in 2023, here are some top tactics you can experiment with:

Be featured in guides

Ever stumbled across a “how-to” post or a “top 10” list that piqued your interest? Guides like these are a great way to connect with potential customers who are actively searching for information related to your business. By getting featured in these guides, you can make a great first impression on people who are already interested in what you have to offer. 

Guides often include a description of your business, a few photos, and your contact information, making it even easier for customers to get in touch. So don’t miss out on this opportunity to get noticed!

Create micro-content for social media

When it comes to social media, sometimes less is more. Micro-content are small, easily digestible pieces of information that come in various formats like text, images, videos, or multimedia. These bite-sized content are particularly popular with younger audiences, and can be used as introductions to longer-form content. They also often include a call-to-action, making it easy for the audience to engage further with your brand. 

By incorporating both long-form and micro-content into your content strategy, you can create a dynamic digital marketing plan that appeals to a wider range of customers.

High Converting Website Designs

There are secrets to getting better conversions for your websites like utilizing straightforward designs or employing CRO strategies.

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Make it easy to share your products and services

Imagine talking about a sustainable product with a friend the day before and seeing it online the next day. People would want to share the link to that item with their friend. By making it simple for customers to share your products and services online, you can expand your reach and convert more leads into sales.

To achieve this, you can take a few simple steps: 

  • Ensure your social media accounts are public so that people can easily share your content.
  • Design an interactive and engaging website that encourages conversions. (You can check out DMB’s web development services for help with this!) 
  • Add social media and share widgets to your website so that visitors can quickly and easily share your content via social media, email, or a copied link. With these strategies in place, you’ll make it easy for customers to share and spread the word about your business, leading to increased visibility and potential sales.

Go Live

The Live feature on social media is a fantastic way to connect with your customers in real-time. Surprisingly, not many businesses are taking advantage of this tool, despite it being available on most social media platforms.

For ideas on what to feature on Live broadcasts, the Business Collective has shared a number of ideas. These include responding to questions and comments, conducting interviews with representatives from the companies or influencers, or giving customers a behind-the-scenes look at the business operations. 

By utilising Live broadcasts, you can engage with your customers in a more personal and authentic way, building stronger connections and loyalty.

Go for localised campaigns with Google Business Profile

Lots of businesses don’t realise the amazing potential of the Google Business Profile (GBP) as a digital marketing tool. It allows you to provide all the essential information about your business, including your address, business hours, contact details, and services. Plus, you can even add your business to Google Maps for easier navigation. 

GBP also allows you to share regular updates, photos, and videos with your customers, which can further engage them with your business. By keeping your GBP updated, you can improve your online visibility and attract more customers.

Digital marketing is constantly evolving, and it’s important for businesses to stay on top of the latest trends to achieve continuous growth. If you want to learn more about how social media can benefit your business, you can also check out this post from the Australian Government Business webpage.

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December 28, 2020

How to Design Facebook Ad Creatives that Convert

Due to its wide reach, Facebook ads have become one of the main tools online marketers and e-commerce site owners use to promote their offers and businesses.

This doesn’t come as a surprise at all since Facebook has over 2.7 billion active monthly users.

Of course, in order to make the most out of your social media marketing campaigns, you need to create a Facebook ad design that can effectively bring traffic to your online store.

Doing so will increase your chances of converting your site’s traffic into sales.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to create high-converting Facebook ads. You can apply the topics discussed below to launch a successful marketing campaign for your online business.

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Ad Placement

Facebook provides advertisers with a variety of options when it comes to ad placement. These include the Mobile News Feed, Desktop News Feed, the Desktop Right Column position and Instagram.

Although it’s quite tempting to select all placement options to maximise your ad’s visibility, doing so might actually end up hurting your marketing campaign’s effectiveness.

Facebook Ad Placements

Instead, focus on presenting your ads through the desktop news feed. After all, this is the first area that users look at whenever they open Facebook.

Also, advertising via the desktop news feed means you’ll be able to include larger images and longer copies in your ad.

Although desktop newsfeed ads are a bit more expensive than other placement options, they can provide higher-than-average click-through rates, which increases your chances of boosting your business’ conversions.

Target Micro Audiences

When it comes to creating an effective Facebook ad, selecting the right audience is very important.

By advertising to people who are most likely interested in what you’re offering, you’ll be able to achieve high engagement.

You can optimise your target audience by narrowing down the group that you want to advertise to.

In addition to targeting your audience based on specific interests, you should also consider the age and gender of the people who will most likely benefit from your products and offers.

Aside from these factors, you can also create a more defined micro audience by targeting a specific city or region.

Once you have achieved the desired results from your ads, you can begin slightly expanding your target audience.

Directly Engage Your Audience

Once you have identified your core audience, you can begin drafting your ad copy that not only speaks to them directly, but also provides a solution to some of their concerns.

Personalised Ad Copy

Your ad copy will serve as a message that describes your offers to your audience.

To avoid alienating potential customers, make sure to use words that directly refer to them, such as “you.”

By making them the central subject of your message, you’ll be able to make your audience feel that your product was specifically made for them.

Address A Pain Point

To create a compelling ad copy, adopt a straightforward approach that informs customers how your product or service can address their concerns or pain points.

Aside from attracting the attention of customers, this technique can also pique their interest in your offer.

Facebook Ad Creatives that Convert

Worked hard on a Facebook ad only to spend so much and make little ROAS after? Try our guide on creating ad creatives that help optimise conversions.

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Key Ad Design Features

All the elements involved in creating a Facebook ad should work together in order to attract the attention of viewers and convert them into customers. You can achieve this by carefully crafting the various components of your ad.

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The image that you will select will be the first thing that customers will see when they come across your ad.

Although there are a lot of effective concepts related to Facebook ad image design that you can try out, the general rule is to use images that have contrasting colours.

Doing so will prevent your ad image from blending into the background or Facebook’s news feed.

When selecting an image, make sure that it reflects the message you’re conveying in your ad copy.

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Short Headline

Aside from the ad copy, the headline also informs viewers what your offer is all about.

Since Facebook has a limit as to how many characters you can use for your headline, make sure to keep it short and straight to the point.

Effective headlines are generally about five words long and deliver a solution to the concerns of customers.

Clear Call to Action

The call-to-action (button) on your Facebook ad will depend on your objective for your marketing campaign.

For instance, if you want viewers to respond to your ad by scheduling an appointment or making a reservation through your business’ Facebook page, you can select the “Book Now” CTA.

On the other hand, if you want viewers to purchase a product through your website, you can use the “See Offers” or “Shop Now” buttons.

You should always select a CTA that accurately reflects what you want potential customers to do after viewing your ad.

Having a clear CTA can increase engagements with your ad and boost your business’ conversion rates.

When it comes to creating Facebook ads that convert, it is important to ensure that each aspect of your campaign is optimised to convert traffic and engagement into sales.

Through the various topics discussed in this article, you’ll be able to craft effective Facebook ads that can help increase the reach and visibility of your e-commerce store.

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November 09, 2020

Design Hacks that will Boost Conversions on your eCommerce Site

In the eCommerce industry, the overall layout and design of your website can play a huge role in boosting your business’ conversion rates. After all, first impressions matter.

In order to get the most out of your site’s visitors, you need to have an optimised and responsive website design that can convert traffic into sales.

If you’re looking to build an eCommerce website or revamp an existing one, following the web design hacks outlined below can help increase your site’s conversions.

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Keep it Simple

When it comes to web design, most eCommerce companies make the mistake of cramming as much information as they can about their products and services.

Doing so can overwhelm customers and site visitors with tons of unnecessary images and lengthy texts, which also negatively affects the site’s conversions.

To avoid this mistake, focus on featuring only a few high-quality and relevant images with minimal text descriptions on your site, especially on the homepage.

Make sure to only present the necessary information customers need to make a clear decision about your offer.

Aside from presenting customers with a clean-looking website, having fewer images will also boost your site’s loading speed.

This is a crucial aspect in the eCommerce industry since slow loading times can kill conversions.

Have A Clear CTA

Having a clear and specific call-to-action (CTA) can significantly boost website conversion since it tells customers what you need and want them to do while they’re on your site or landing page.

This involves presenting a clear message to your customers by featuring clickable buttons and tabs with the words “Buy Now,” “Subscribe,” “Add To Cart” and “Sign Up.”

When presenting your CTA buttons, make sure to use contrasting colours in order to grab the attention of your site’s visitors.

Adding a clear CTA follows the concept of Hick’ Law, which is a theory named after British psychologist William Edmund Hick. According to Hick’s theory, the number of choices available to a person is directly proportional to the time it takes for him or her to make a decision.

This means that in the world of eCommerce, limiting the customers’ choices through clear CTAs can lead to faster website conversion rates.

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Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is an essential photography concept that involves dividing an image into nine segments by using horizontal and vertical lines.

The idea states that placing objects at the intersecting points of the lines can enhance the overall appeal of the entire image.

In web design, the rule of thirds can help you create a simple and clean-looking site and landing page that contains the necessary objects and images to boost conversion.

In the example below, the objects within the intersecting points include a short description of your brand or business, a call-to-action (CTA) button and another image that elicits a response from customers and site visitors.

Aside from keeping the layout of the site organised, following the rule of thirds also presents site visitors with the necessary images and objects that can help them make an informed decision about your offer, which can lead to an increase in website conversions.

High Converting Website Designs

There are secrets to getting better conversions for your websites like utilizing straightforward designs or employing CRO strategies.

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Include Photos of Human Faces

Aside from images of products and other visually-appealing objects, you should also consider featuring a photo of a human face on your website.

The concept of pareidolia is based on the fact that the human brain is wired to see and recognise faces in various objects. The facial expression exhibited by a face can elicit certain emotional responses within people.

In eCommerce website design, featuring a human face on a page can help influence how customers feel about your brand or company.

In other words, you can elicit certain responses from customers depending on the facial expression of your featured model.

Aside from triggering an emotional response, you can also use photos of people to direct customers towards your CTA, such as through the featured model’s hand gesture or the direction of his or her gaze.

Optimise for Mobile Devices

According to a study conducted by Statista, about half of global online traffic comes from mobile devices.

This means that a huge portion of your potential customers might view and visit your site using their smartphones and tablets.

Since mobile users will be visiting your site on a smaller screen compared to a desktop computer, it’s important to keep your site, especially the checkout page and process, simple.

This means removing unnecessary images and steps that can prolong the entire process.

In addition, since mobile data is often unreliable, having a clutter-free site will ensure that your pages will still load smoothly. This can prevent customers from leaving your site due to slow loading times and visit your competitor’s website.

Having a mobile-first website design will ensure that your pages are optimised for small screens.

As mentioned earlier, having a responsive website design is an important aspect when it comes to boosting conversions.

When it comes to building a website for your business or brand, your end goal should always be making the entire decision and buying process easy and straightforward for your customers.

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Ready to engage your audience, transform your brand and drive profitable growth?

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Are you constantly looking for ways to promote your business on Facebook?

Then you have probably explored various tools that the platform has to offer.

One of these is the “Boost Post” feature.

This feature appears as the blue-coloured tab located at the bottom of your Facebook posts.

Its name alone is quite appealing especially to those looking to engage a wider audience on Facebook.

After all, who wouldn’t want to boost their posts with just a click of a button?

Boosted posts are ads that you create from posts on your Facebook Page.

The feature is one of the tools unveiled to help marketers promote their business on Facebook.

It was introduced as a way to extend the reach of your post outside the audience base that’s already following your page.

It certainly sounds like a sure way to engage more new audiences, especially since Facebook has been experiencing a sharp decline when it comes to the organic reach of posts.

Back in 2016, the social publishing tool SocialFlow reported a 52% drop in the organic reach of Facebook posts.

Since then, the organic reach on the social media platform has been declining.

Although major business pages have large numbers of followers that can protect them from this decline, smaller pages, or those that are just starting out, might not have the same fighting chance.

With this in mind, it’s very tempting to rely on the Boost Post feature to supplement your page’s reach on Facebook.

After all, it is still a very helpful tool especially if you are just starting out with your business’ Facebook page.

Although the Boost Post feature can work well for beginners, it is important to know that it is not the holy grail of marketing tools that Facebook has to offer.

Solely relying on this feature means that you will be missing out on the other great tools that you can use.

Most of these tools can be found in Facebook Ads Manager. Yes, we know that diving into the world of Facebook ads can be a little daunting.

However, if you’re not willing to step out of your comfort zone to explore Facebook ads, then you will surely miss out on the opportunity to get your brand message across a greater number of Facebook users.

Ask yourself these simple questions first:

  • “What do I plan to attain through my paid promotions?
  • Should I focus on getting more likes, comments, and shares to increase my page’s engagement?
  • “Do I want to drive new traffic to my website?
  • Do I want to convert my post’s engagements into leads by getting more people to sign up or purchase something on my website?

Answering these questions will provide you with a clear idea of how you’ll be able to take advantage of your Facebook ads.

Through properly managed ads, you’ll be able to differentiate between the traffic generated by your organic posts and the traffic driven by your paid promotions.

Differentiating between these two types of traffic will let you know if your ads are successful or not.

Now that you’re ready to embrace Facebook’s Ad Manager, you can finally stop contemplating whether you should use the Boost Post feature or not.

If you’re still not convinced, below are the top three reasons why the Boost Post feature will not help you with your Facebook marketing.

1. Boost Post Has A Very Limited Audience Targeting Options

The Boost Post feature is a beginner-friendly tool that will do what it is meant to do. However, this does not necessarily mean that it will perform its function efficiently.

Although it will boost your post, it will not always show your post to people who are interested in your brand or what you might have to offer.

Even if you create the most creative and engaging post, you still won’t be able to grow your business if you’re showing your message to people who are simply not interested in what you have to say.

Facebook Ads Manager, on the other hand, allows you to customise your audience by specifically targeting the demographic or group of people that you want to reach.

This will, of course, increase your chances of driving more traffic to your page or website.

It will allow you to present your message to users who already know you in some way or those who are already interested in topics that are related to what you’re offering.

Image A: The Create a Custom Audience lets you target users who you already have engaged it. These could include members of your customer list, website visitors or those who reacted to your Facebook posts.

Image B: The Lookalike Audience lets you reach users who are similar to your page’s audience or followers.

Don’t know where to start on getting your brand abuzz?

2. Boost Post Has No Real Analytics To Assess And Learn

Understanding and monitoring the analytics of your Facebook ads is one of the core principles of maintaining a successful marketing campaign.

These stats will let you know if you are accomplishing the goals you have set for your Facebook Ads.

In other words, you’ll be able to know which ads are performing well in terms of the objectives you have set and which are failing.

Through real data, you’ll be able to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again with your ads.

Simply boosting posts, however, will not provide you with real data to see if ads are performing.

Image C: The Create Split Test feature lets you compare two of your ads to see which one will be able to deliver the best results.

3. Boost Post Distracts You From Your Marketing Goals

Do you still remember the questions we asked you to answer earlier?

Your answers to those questions will serve as your guide in creating Facebook ads.

They will constantly remind what your reasons are for creating each post or ad for your page.

The boosted post feature isn’t designed to let you optimise for specific marketing goals.

It is only optimised for engagement. It will get you likes, comments, and shares.

And that’s an OK marketing goal sometimes.

Despite these three reasons, using the Boost Post feature isn’t necessarily bad for Facebook marketers.

As we’ve said earlier, this features works well for those who are just starting out. It can also be an effective tool depending on your marketing goals.

But, if you want to take on a more serious approach when it comes to growing your business using Facebook Ads… you should avoid solely relying on this feature.

Deep dive with one of our Hive’s Facebook Ads Experts to see how, when implemented correctly, they can turn your business into a sweet customer magnet.

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We don’t sleep until we’ve helped you attract leads, increase brand awareness and generate profit, and that’s just us warming up. We want to help you optimise every cent you spend, on people who are genuinely going to book, buy and buzz with you – so that you not only break even, but actually generate a return on the investment of working with us. We want you to make profit. Real, cold, hard cash in your pocket from leads that actually spend money, again and again.

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3 Steps To A Winning Facebook Profile Upgrade


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November 19, 2018

3 Steps To A Winning Facebook Profile Upgrade

Create Your Winning Facebook Profile Today

Not getting the response you want from your Facebook business page?

Here are our top tips on how to professionalise your Facebook profile and combat the decline of your posts’ organic reach.

Choose the right profile photo

When prospective customers search for you, one of the first things they will see is your profile picture. It is therefore of fundamental importance that the picture you choose instantly gives a positive impression.

Using your company logo as a Profile picture is generally a good option. It will make your business instantly identifiable and create synergy across your business’s active platforms.

Keep in mind that Facebook has recently modified the appearance of profile pictures so that they appear round on people’s news feeds.

If essential features of your logo spread out to the edges and corners, it is advisable to adapt the image so it is more Facebook friendly.

Finally, keep in mind that the ideal size for Facebook profile pictures is 360 x 360 pixels. The minimum is 180×180 pixels.

Use a cover video instead of a cover photo.

Businesses are increasingly choosing to display a video in the place of a cover photo. When users watch a video, they are actively engaging with the content, increasing the chances of them being lead to action.

You can use a cover video to quickly communicate who you are and what your business is about.

Successful use of the function can help you stand out from the crowd and instantly appear more professional to your page visitors.

Some technical details to consider:

  • Videos must be between 20 and 90 seconds long.
  • The recommended minimum resolution is 820×462 pixels.
  • Videos must be in MP4 format.

Cover videos are an excellent way to bring your business profile to life and get people remembering your page. Stay on trend and create your cover video today.

Facebook Ad Creatives that Convert

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Modify your posting habits

You have probably heard Facebook marketers complaining about changes the platform has made to what is shown on the news feed.

In a bid to improve the Facebook user experience, the new algorithm prioritises user-to-user engagement over sponsored posts.

This is good news for the average user who hates ads, but bad news for your business profile.

Fortunately, there are ways to combat Facebook’s decline in organic reach. By adapting your posting habits, you can ensure that your fans are still seeing your posts.

Here are three tips on how to keep your brand on people’s minds.

  • Live video. Every time you post a live video, your fans will get a notification that you are going live. Going live is a fantastic way to engage your followers and get people talking about your brand.
  • Be edutaining. Good content entertains and educates. Posting good quality content that users can genuinely learn something from is far more valuable than posting quantity run-of-the-mill posts.
  • Get creative. Facebook has released several new features which can help your posts stand out. Experiment with different coloured backgrounds and make use of stickers and gifs to keep your post upbeat and eye-catching.

Concluding notes

With these simple tips, you can not only professionalise your Facebook profile but use the very changes that other marketers fret over to your advantage.

Upgrade your business profile and see results today.

If you hit the nail on the head and get stuck in your digital marketing strategy, consider us your Dr. Buzz, cause it sounds like you need a healthy dose of Vitamin Bee.

My colony and I are some the best Facebook Marketing and Automation experts this side of the southern hemisphere.

We’ve compiled a checklist of every single thing a small business owner should know to catapult their digital marketing efforts, and now it’s yours. For free. No strings attached.

Read more about a dental clinic that attracts more patients by simply posting more videos on their page.

Digital Marketer Bee is a Facebook Marketing and Ads Agency in Albury Wodonga. With 15M active Australians on Facebook every month, be sure to take advantage of this huge market.

Book a Strategy Call with our Facebook Marketing Specialist today!

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November 16, 2017

The New Facebook Algorithm Revealed: How to Get Your Posts Seen On Your Patients’ Cluttered News Feed?

Are your posts now reaching fewer patients on Facebook?

Have you ever wondered why some of your Facebook posts get dozens of comments or “likes” from your patients while others don’t?

Facebook now has 12 million Australians logging in every day. And, approximately 70% of the total Australian population is an active Facebook user.

They are actively engaging with content posted on their news feeds resulting in an average of 20 minutes per visit. Given the volume of daily Facebook users, your patients could be seeing about 15,000 to 150,000 pieces of content.

This of course, also depends on the number of pages they follow and how many friends they have on Facebook.

Your patients now have A LOT to consume in an average visit…

Recently, Facebook took on a more targeted approach by revamping the News Feed algorithm, or the formula it uses to calculate the significance of a post to the user.

Before the update was rolled out, Facebook mainly focused on posts and other content that has the most number of likes, comments and shares. In other words, popularity mainly ruled over Facebook’s News Feed.

Now though, new algorithm combines popularity with a targeted system that caters specifically to the interests of your patients.

Instead of showing what Facebook thinks your patients like, the new News Feed shows what it knows they like.

In the short video below, Adam Mosseri, the VP of Product Management for Facebook’s News Feed, briefly explains how the social network’s algorithm effectively uses simple steps to connect users to the types of stories that they are most interested in.

How Does The New Algorithm Choose Which Of Your Posts Will Appear On Your Patients’ News Feed?

As explained in the video above, Facebook’s algorithm works like simple steps to solve a problem.

Understanding these step will provide you with a clear idea of how you’ll be able to reach your patients through the posts from your dental practice’s Facebook page.

Step 1: Inventory

When your patients first open their news feed, Facebook’s algorithm takes an inventory by looking at all of the stories posted by their friends and the pages they follow (in the same way Adam checked to see what was on the menu).

Step 2: Signals

The next step refers to the signals or the various factors that Facebook considers when it comes to ranking the stories or posts that your patients will see.

These are:

  • when the story was posted or how recent it is
  • who shared or posted it
  • how many likes, shares and comments it has received from friends
  • type of content that the user interacts with the most, such as photos or videos.

Other important factors that Facebook considers include the Internet connection speed of your patients and the type of device they’re using while viewing the posts.

Step 3: Predictions

Facebook then goes through these signals to predict how likely your patients will react to these stories.

These signals, combined with your patients’ previous and current online activities help Facebook determine whether or not you will like, share, report or hide a particular story.

Step 4: Score

Lastly, after making informed predictions, Facebook rewards the posts with scores based on how relevant they are to your patients. Those with the highest scores are then bumped to the top of the News Feed.

This 4-step process happens each and every time they log in to Facebook and decides what your patients’ feed looks like.

Facebook Ad Creatives that Convert

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How Facebook’s New Algorithm and Core Values Work Together

Although Facebook largely relies on its algorithm to rank the relevance of posts that your patients will see, the social media network still upholds its core values when it comes to approving and presenting content.

Keeping these values in mind will ensure that your posts follow Facebook’s guidelines and are ranked higher in the News Feed of your patients.

Staying Connected

At Facebook, friends and family come first. Staying true to the nature of the social network, Facebook still serves as an online avenue where your ideal patients can stay connected with their friends and family.

This is why posts that come from these people are automatically placed at the top of the News Feed.

Authenticity of Content

As part of Facebook’s ongoing battle against the spread of fake news and spam content, ranking posts based on their authenticity serves as an integral part of its algorithm.

Through the help of third-party checkers, as well as reports from actual users, Facebook weeds out posts and other content that are not considered genuine.

Aside from saving your potential patients from misleading and spammy content, Facebook brings them authentic stories which they can easily connect with the most.

A Customisable Experience

Of course, even with the new fancy algorithm, Facebook is aware that the ranking system for the News Feed is still not 100 percent accurate. This is why the social network unveiled a set of controls that allows your patients to customise the content that they see on their feed based on what they like and don’t like.

Using the controls such as “hide,” “unfollow” and “see first,” your patients will be able to help Facebook understand what they would like to see and avoid in their News Feed.

Constantly Evolving

As previously stated, Facebook knows that the News Feed can still be improved. It aims to utilise feedback from the community as well as how users interact online in order to create a better experience for everyone. In other words, you can still expect to see changes in Facebook’s algorithm and News Feed in the future.

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How To Consistently Rank Higher In Your Patients’ News Feed

Going through all of the possible strategies to keep patients engaged on your page can get overwhelming. Fortunately, there is a simpler way to go about this. Below are the main factors that you should always keep in mind to make sure that your posts are always ranking at the top of your patients’ News Feed.

Tip #1: Create Engaging Content

Since Facebook’s ranking heavily relies on your patients’ engagement with your posts, it is important to keep them entertained and informed with the content that you share on your page.

While keeping in mind the signals and values discussed earlier, make sure to share content that will elicit positive interaction from your patients such as likes, comments and shares.

One of the simplest ways to attract a positive response from your patients is through entertaining images which they can easily share to their friends.

Of course, as an operator of a dental practice, it’s important to create content that would entertain your patients while spreading awareness about your practice.

One of the ways you can achieve this is by sharing humorous memes about dentists or dentistry in general or making use of social media signs that are relevant to your practice.

Tip #2: Focus on Videos

Aside from images, another type of content that is shareable and can easily gain a ton of likes and comments are videos. According to a recent report by The Next Web, Facebook is now favouring videos over other types of content. This means these are now ranked higher in the news feed.

Although the content of the video is important, there are also other technical aspects that you should remember to keep your patients engaged.

One of these is the length of the clip. Short or snackable videos, which generally run between 6 and 15 seconds long, can be effectively used as ad breaks since these are mostly straight to the point and entertaining.

In contrast, long videos, which run for at least 90 seconds long, are also effective. Aside from delivering complete information, longer videos are effectively utilised for the insertion ad breaks.

Another important factor to keep in mind when creating videos is adding captions. This allows your patients to watch and understand the content of the clip even if the sound is turned off. Also, make sure to favour square videos as opposed to landscape videos since these work well when viewed using mobile devices.

Tip #3: Take Advantage of Live Videos

In addition to conventional videos, make sure to utilise live videos as well. Since the launch of this feature, users of Facebook have spent more time watching live videos compared to those that are no longer live or have been pre-recorded.

For your dental practice’s page, you can take advantage of live videos by broadcasting from your clinic.

But, make sure to keep the content light and entertaining. For example, you can showcase your staff members and your dental practice culture. This will definitely boost trust and communications.

Tip #4: Be The First to Post

One of the signals that Facebook uses when ranking posts is the time when it was posted or its relevance to a current trending topic. You can capitalise on this aspect by being the first to share a breaking story that is relevant to your patients.

Also, if you happen to discuss or share a story that’s just about to go viral, your page can experience a huge uptick in organic traffic and engagement.

By combining all of these tips and guidelines and applying them to your online strategy, you’ll be able to succeed in improving your patients’ positive engagement with your page.

Of course, no matter what type of content you choose to share, always remember that the goal is to get your patients engaged and informed.

What are you doing to improve visibility in the Facebook news feed? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

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