October 30, 2023

2024 Digital Marketing Strategies for NDIS Providers

Over the years, marketing has experienced a transformative evolution, transitioning from broad, generic approaches to database and, subsequently, targeted marketing. The platforms and channels have been dynamic, moving from traditional mediums like television, radio, and telephone to the contemporary digital realm, working with an NDIS marketing agency, encompassing websites, social media, and advertising. We see a lot of impact investments too, with customers expressing support towards customers with sustainability and social responsibility initiatives

For NDIS businesses, this means keeping up with the trends and incorporating these new strategies to help advance your offerings to the communities you serve.

Looking ahead, several key trends are poised to shape the marketing landscape:

AI-Powered Strategies

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the marketing domain. By harnessing AI algorithms, marketers can sift through vast amounts of consumer data, identifying patterns that might be indiscernible to the human eye. These algorithms can predict future consumer behaviours based on past trends, allowing businesses to anticipate needs before they arise, as well as offer unique customer experiences catered for each user.

Furthermore, AI aids in automating routine marketing chores, resulting in campaigns that resonate more with individuals and are delivered more efficiently. NDIS provider advertising initiatives become more optimised too.


The digital age has brought a deluge of data and customer interactions. Manually managing these can be daunting. Enter automation tools. From segmenting email lists for tailored campaigns to deploying chatbots for instantaneous customer interactions, automation is transforming the landscape. It’s not merely about efficiency; it’s about enhancing customer engagement. Immediate responses can make the difference between a converted lead and a missed opportunity.

Social Commerce

The line between social media and e-commerce is blurring. Today’s consumers often discover products through social feeds, making platforms like Instagram and Facebook more than just socialising hubs—they’re the new-age malls. Recognising this, brands with the help of NDIS marketing guidelines, are embedding shopping features within these platforms, allowing for a seamless transition from discovery to purchase.

Video Marketing

In our fast-paced world, video stands out as a medium that captures both the eye and mind. Platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels offer brands a stage to tell their stories, demonstrate products, or even offer quick tutorials. The shareability factor of videos means they can virally spread, amplifying their reach.

Live Streaming will further increase popularity too, providing audiences with real time interaction, access to live events, and behind-the-scenes. These channels nurture customer relationships and encourage brand loyalty. 

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Privacy-Centric Campaigns

In an era of data breaches, privacy isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a commitment. Marketers are now prioritising data protection, aligning with stringent regulations like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the recently-revisited Australian Privacy Act. This commitment assures consumers that their data is treated with respect and integrity.

Prioritisation of First-Party Data

As third-party data encounters growing scrutiny and restrictions, there’s a renewed focus on first-party data. This data, sourced directly from customers, offers genuine insights and aids in crafting tailored campaigns. Marketers today prioritise building robust first-party data repositories for a clearer consumer understanding.

Impact Investments

Brands are no longer just profit-driven entities; they’re becoming agents of change. Consumers, especially the younger generation, value brands that align profitability with purpose. They are looking for businesses supporting sustainability and social responsibility causes. Impact investments showcase a brand’s commitment to larger societal and environmental causes, cementing their reputation and fostering deeper customer relationships.

Inclusive Marketing

Inclusive marketing embraces diverse audiences, ensuring representation in campaigns across race, gender, ability, and more. It’s not just ethical; it resonates authentically with global consumers, fostering trust and broadening a brand’s appeal. A good example of inclusive marketing are accessible websites designed to be easily navigated by people with or without disabilities.

The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing, driven by technological innovations and changing consumer values. From the integration of AI and automation to the emphasis on data privacy and social responsibility and the call for increased inclusivity in marketing campaigns, businesses need to adapt and evolve. As these trends shape the future, brands that align themselves with these forward-thinking strategies and consumer expectations are poised to thrive in the ever-competitive marketplace.

Not sure where to begin? Let us guide you! At Digital Marketer Bee, we boast years of expertise in the NDIS sector. We’re well-versed in its intricacies and are adept at navigating the specific requirements and sensitivities inherent to the NDIS realm. Contact us today to see how we can help!

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July 07, 2023

Advantages of Digital Marketing for NDIS

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any organisation, including those operating within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) sector. For NDIS service providers, digital marketing offers a range of strategies that are crucial in reaching your target audience effectively and communicating the value of your services. 

Here are some key benefits of leveraging NDIS digital marketing initiatives:

Increased Visibility and Reach

Digital marketing allows you to expand your reach and visibility beyond traditional marketing channels. By optimising your website with relevant keywords, you can improve its search engine rankings and attract organic traffic from individuals actively seeking NDIS-related information or services.

Targeted Marketing

Through various digital marketing techniques, such as search engine marketing (SEM) and social media advertising, you can precisely target your desired audience. By focusing your efforts on specific demographics or geographical regions, you can maximise the efficiency of your marketing budget and increase the chances of converting visitors into participants or clients.

Building Trust and Credibility

A well-designed and informative website builds trust and credibility among potential NDIS participants, their families, and other stakeholders. By providing valuable content, testimonials, success stories, and relevant information about your organisation, you establish yourself as a reliable source of NDIS-related support.

Engaging Content Marketing

Compelling and informative content plays a vital role in engaging your target audience. By regularly publishing blog posts, articles, videos, or infographics, you can educate, inspire, and address the concerns of your potential NDIS participants, ultimately driving them towards taking positive actions.

Measurable Results and Data Analytics

One of the greatest advantages of digital marketing is its ability to track and measure results accurately. Through web analytics tools and performance indicators, you can monitor the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, gain insights into user behaviour, and make data-driven decisions to optimise your strategies continuously.

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Optimising Your NDIS Website for Success

With these advantages, below are some of essential steps to elevate your NDIS marketing strategies and ensure continuous business success:

Keyword Research and Optimisation

Perform thorough keyword research to identify the most relevant terms and phrases your target audience uses when searching for NDIS-related information. Incorporate these keywords naturally throughout your website’s content, including headings, meta tags, and image descriptions, to improve its search engine visibility.

User-Friendly Website Design

Ensure your website is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and mobile-friendly. Optimise its loading speed and organise content into sections with clear headings and subheadings. Also, remember to work on your NDIS website design with a trusted local digital marketing agency that fully understands your needs.

Compelling Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Guide your website visitors towards desired actions by incorporating compelling CTAs throughout your webpages. Whether it’s signing up for newsletters, contacting your organisation, or participating in NDIS programs, CTAs encourage engagement and conversion.

Social Media Integration

Integrate your NDIS website with relevant social media platforms to extend your reach and foster community engagement. Regularly share valuable content, success stories, and updates across your social media channels, driving traffic back to your website.

Continuous Content Creation and Optimisation

Consistently publish high-quality and relevant content on your website to attract and retain your target audience. Optimise your content with proper headings, bullet points, and relevant keywords. This not only helps with SEO but also improves readability and user experience. Using web analytics tools like Google Analytics also helps in identifying areas for improvement in your digital marketing campaign.

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May 01, 2023

5 Ways to Grow Your Business in Australia with Social Media

Social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses looking to reach and engage with customers. While it has been used as a digital marketing tool for some time now, the landscape has changed significantly. Keeping up with the trends and making the most of all the different platforms and content types out there is critical. 

Nowadays, it’s not just about having an account and posting regularly – one needs a well-planned, multi-faceted strategy to succeed. So take your time, plan things out, and execute carefully. 

To make the most of social media for your business growth in 2023, here are some top tactics you can experiment with:

Be featured in guides

Ever stumbled across a “how-to” post or a “top 10” list that piqued your interest? Guides like these are a great way to connect with potential customers who are actively searching for information related to your business. By getting featured in these guides, you can make a great first impression on people who are already interested in what you have to offer. 

Guides often include a description of your business, a few photos, and your contact information, making it even easier for customers to get in touch. So don’t miss out on this opportunity to get noticed!

Create micro-content for social media

When it comes to social media, sometimes less is more. Micro-content are small, easily digestible pieces of information that come in various formats like text, images, videos, or multimedia. These bite-sized content are particularly popular with younger audiences, and can be used as introductions to longer-form content. They also often include a call-to-action, making it easy for the audience to engage further with your brand. 

By incorporating both long-form and micro-content into your content strategy, you can create a dynamic digital marketing plan that appeals to a wider range of customers.

High Converting Website Designs

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Make it easy to share your products and services

Imagine talking about a sustainable product with a friend the day before and seeing it online the next day. People would want to share the link to that item with their friend. By making it simple for customers to share your products and services online, you can expand your reach and convert more leads into sales.

To achieve this, you can take a few simple steps: 

  • Ensure your social media accounts are public so that people can easily share your content.
  • Design an interactive and engaging website that encourages conversions. (You can check out DMB’s web development services for help with this!) 
  • Add social media and share widgets to your website so that visitors can quickly and easily share your content via social media, email, or a copied link. With these strategies in place, you’ll make it easy for customers to share and spread the word about your business, leading to increased visibility and potential sales.

Go Live

The Live feature on social media is a fantastic way to connect with your customers in real-time. Surprisingly, not many businesses are taking advantage of this tool, despite it being available on most social media platforms.

For ideas on what to feature on Live broadcasts, the Business Collective has shared a number of ideas. These include responding to questions and comments, conducting interviews with representatives from the companies or influencers, or giving customers a behind-the-scenes look at the business operations. 

By utilising Live broadcasts, you can engage with your customers in a more personal and authentic way, building stronger connections and loyalty.

Go for localised campaigns with Google Business Profile

Lots of businesses don’t realise the amazing potential of the Google Business Profile (GBP) as a digital marketing tool. It allows you to provide all the essential information about your business, including your address, business hours, contact details, and services. Plus, you can even add your business to Google Maps for easier navigation. 

GBP also allows you to share regular updates, photos, and videos with your customers, which can further engage them with your business. By keeping your GBP updated, you can improve your online visibility and attract more customers.

Digital marketing is constantly evolving, and it’s important for businesses to stay on top of the latest trends to achieve continuous growth. If you want to learn more about how social media can benefit your business, you can also check out this post from the Australian Government Business webpage.

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February 19, 2023

Social Media Strategies for NDIS Providers

One great thing about social media is that it is open for everyone and as an NDIS provider, maximising this tool is a must in growing your business. Through NDIS marketing on various platforms online, you can connect and engage with a wider audience and even target your potential clients. We’re pretty sure a lot of them spend a significant amount of time online, too!

Curious to know more? Here are some effective ways to bring your business to those who need it through social media.

Maximise Facebook

Social networking website giant, Facebook, is a great tool for any business. It is highly likely that most of your target clients have Facebook accounts. Connecting with them online allows you to share your business and engage with them regularly. 

  • Some ways to make the most of Facebook for your NDIS business include: 

  • Creating a Facebook Business Page that your clients can follow and where you can highlight your services and post regular content

  • Using the Facebook Messenger function to chat with your clients and provide customer service and support

  • Investing in Facebook Advertising where you can zoom in on potential clients and increase your brand awareness

  • Taking advantage of Facebook Insights, which is a marketing tool that provides you with real-time data. This tool lets you see who interacts with your posts, where they are from, which posts are the most engaging for your audience, and what are the best times to post.

  • Sharing relevant and value-adding posts with visual content in the form of videos and photos for maximum engagement

Use YouTube

Who doesn’t watch videos on YouTube? Another great thing with YouTube is that when people actually watch your videos, they are already interested in your content. Since the buy-in is already in place, it is now a matter of convincing them to avail of your services. Over time, the goal is to make your NDIS business the top of mind for anyone looking for NDIS service providers.

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While Facebook only requires posts and photos, YouTube needs you to invest in creating videos, which may require more resources for shooting and editing. While this might be added work for your team, video content that is relevant to your target clients is proven to increase engagement and revenue.

Like Facebook, YouTube comes with its own set of content creation, data analytics, and advertising functions that you can use to further grow your business. 

 Start a Google Business Profile account

Similar to Facebook and YouTube, creating a Google Business Profile (GBP, previously Google My Business) account is free. Since almost everyone relies on Google when searching for something they need online, having a Google presence is a strong boost for your business. 

Through GBP, you can immediately share business information with your customers including your location, contact details, and services. It also allows your clients to leave reviews or testimonials, adding legitimacy to your business. 

Case Studies

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While social media and digital marketing for NDIS providers is a powerful tool, there are also several policies in place to ensure its fair and appropriate use. Anything that is posted online is accessible to the public, hence the need to make that extra effort in checking and verifying what goes out for posting. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) also released a Social Media Policy as a guide. While they created this for NDIA employees, it’s helpful as well for NDIS providers utilising social media for their business. 

Not sure where to start? We can help! We are an NDIS marketing agency with proven experience in bringing success to NDIS service providers, and our team is ready whenever you are! You can reach us through our website anytime.

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June 28, 2022

A Guide On Social Media SEO For Digital Marketing

In an effective digital marketing campaign, social media and search engine optimisation (SEO) should be utilised together because these two entities share the same goals. Both of them are focused on providing useful information to targeted users in order to encourage them to convert.

Taking advantage of both social media and SEO can help business owners and marketers build brand awareness by reaching out to wider audiences. With properly executed social media campaigns, you can help your website achieve better rankings in the results pages of search engines.

Here are the list of the guides to be discussed in this article:

  1. What Is Social Media SEO?
  2. Do Engagements Affect Search Rankings?
  3. How Can Shares Lead To More Backlinks?
  4. How Does Social Media Help You Understand Customer Behaviour?

What Is Social Media SEO?

The concept of social media SEO refers to the use of a social media presence to boost a website’s organic traffic through organic search. This involves posting content with certain keywords on various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Doing so allows the products and services of brands that are posted on social media to become more visible and searchable when users type in certain keywords on search engines. Listing products and adding relevant keywords to their titles and descriptions will help you gain exposure and improve your search ranking on Google.

Do Engagements Affect Search Rankings?

The number of likes and shares that your social media posts receive can also have an impact on your brand’s search ranking. That’s because more shares can increase the chances of other users encountering your content online, which can boost your brand exposure.

As your social media engagement improves, search engine crawlers will start to gather similar citations and develop predictive search suggestions based on the number of content shared by other users.

This means that the next time a person types in a targeted keyword, Google will suggest the most searched content, which can lead to your social media post and, eventually, your website.

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How Can Shares Lead To More Backlinks?

Aside from brand visibility, engagements through shares can also lead to more backlinks to your business’ website. When you post a blog article or link from your website to your Facebook or Twitter account, the backlinks to your site will increase as other users start to share your content.

These backlinks, also known as incoming or inbound links, are used by Google as ranking signals. This means that your search engine ranking will improve as your page gets shared on social media. However, keep in mind that in order to get shares, you have to make sure that the content you post provides valuable and relevant information to your followers.

How Does Social Media Help You Understand Customer Behaviour?

The insights and analytics tools of social media platforms can provide you with a clear idea of how your followers respond to the content that you post. By knowing how many likes, shares, and comments a certain post received, you’ll be able to determine which type of content performs well.

By studying the behaviour of your followers, you can make changes and improvements to your social media campaigns and strategies. You can start focusing on the best-performing content in order to increase follower engagement, which, as discussed in this article, can have a direct effect on your website’s SEO performance.

At Digital Marketer Bee, we make sure that the social media campaigns that we create for brands not only reflect their business goals but also coincide with our SEO strategies. This helps ensure that we are able to successfully implement strategies that are aimed at fostering digital growth.

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June 08, 2022

How to use Social Media and Blogs for Content Marketing

Producing high-quality website content is one of the most important factors when it comes to increasing a business’ brand visibility. Aside from improving a site’s search engine optimisation (SEO), content can also contribute to leads and conversions by attracting the attention of potential customers. 

However, many marketers and business owners often don’t know where to properly share their content. Is it better to produce blog content, or should you just focus on social media?

Although combing blogging and social media is always the best option, it can also depend on your objectives. After all, blogs and social media have different goals.

The Goals of Blogs and Social Media

According to Jay Baer, the head of Convince & Convert, the goals of content marketing are consumption and then behaviour.

Social media, on the other hand, is focused on participation then behaviour. Due to their varying nature, it’s ideal to use blogs and social media according to the type of content that you want to produce.

For instance, social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are great for boosting engagement with your followers.

This can be achieved by posting content like photos and videos that can easily attract their attention and interests. Humorous content such as memes can also boost follower engagement

In addition to visual-based content, short copies featuring tips, fun facts, and customer testimonials can also bepart of your social media startegy. This type of content can help educate your followers regarding your brand

Blogs, on the other hand, can be utilised to present helpful information to your site visitors. Long and detailed articles that contain practical and relevant information can help establish your brand’s credibility and image as an industry expert.

Whether you’re posting on a blog or your social media pages, just make sure that the content you produce is appropriate for your target audience and is relevant to your business or industry.

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How You Should Repurpose Content

Many businesses tend to combine blogging and social media by repurposing content from the latter. This is a practical and effective way to keep your audience engaged while encouraging social media followers to visit your blog and website.

However, keep in mind that repurposing blog posts for social media is not as straightforward as it seems.

Simply sharing a link to a blog post on your Facebook or Instagram account is not a great way to catch potential customers’ attention.

Instead, you should add something new to the repurposed content. For instance, if you run a digital marketing agency and you have an article about creating a conversion-focused landing page, you can draft a short copy for social media that features some of the tips or steps you covered in the blog post.

This technique provides your followers with an interesting piece of valuable information while encouraging them to visit your site and read the rest of the article to learn more.If you’re looking to expand the reach of your business through an effective combination of blogging and social media, Digital Marketer Bee can help you get started with an online marketing strategy designed to increase your followers and traffic to your website. Through our services, you’ll be able to gain more leads than you can handle.

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June 01, 2022

3 Types of Audiences You Should Target For Your Facebook Ads

Running a Facebook ad campaign is a great way for marketers and brands to generate leads for their business. One of the most important factors of a successful campaign is making sure that it targets the right type of audience.

In addition to making the most out of your marketing budget, going after the right types of audiences can help make sure that your ads are reaching Facebook users who are interested in your business or topics related to it.

This allows you to present your offer to people who will most likely purchase from your website.

If you’re planning on launching a Facebook ad campaign or are already running one, make sure to target these three audience types to generate leads and conversions for your business

Core Audiences

The core audience refers to the specific groups of people that you want to target with your ads. This type of audience is ideal especially if you’re looking for high-quality leads.

Using Facebook’s Core Audience targeting options, you can take advantage of the social media platform’s data and algorithm to find your ideal audience.

Through these targeting options, you can tweak your ads to find audiences based on their interests, demographics, location, behaviour, and connections.

These options can help you reach the types of individuals who will most likely interact with your ads.

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Lookalike Audiences

Lookalike audiences, on the other hand, are the people who have the same characteristics as the audiences that you are already targeting on Facebook.

Since they’re similar to your existing audience, they are also most likely interested in your products or services.

Similar to core audiences, Facebook also has a targeting tool for lookalike audiences. You can use this option by uploading a custom audience.

Facebook will then create a new group that matches the audience attributes that you provide.

Custom Audiences

The third type of audience that you should target in your ads is the custom audience. This refers to the group of people that you create and define on Facebook.

It can be created and developed using your Facebook account’s contact list or the visitors to your website.

This can also be done by using the data from your Facebook pixel or uploading the contact information of your leads, such as their phone numbers or email addresses.

Since custom audiences involve reaching out to your existing contacts or those who have already visited your site, this type of audience is ideal for retargeting campaigns.

Retargeting them with your ads is a great way to increase your conversion rates since this group consists of people who are already quite familiar with your brand.

Enlisting the help of a professional Facebook advertising agency like Digital Marketer Bee can also ensure that your ads will reach your brand’s ideal audience. Through our social media marketing service, we can create highly converting Facebook ad campaigns that will certainly appeal to the type of audience that you would like to attract for your business.

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May 19, 2022

12 Social Media Content You Can Try For Your Business

Social media is a powerful platform that business owners and marketers can utilise to increase brand awareness. It provides them with a direct way to engage with their target audience, which they can then turn into leads and paying customers.

However, launching a social media campaign can be a bit challenging due to the consistency it requires when it comes to producing high-quality content. In order to keep your followers engaged, it’s important to release various kinds of content that appeal to the interests of your target audience.

Here are the 12 types of content that you can incorporate into your social media campaign.

Written Content

Written content refers to blog posts, articles, and guides that you can create to share valuable information with your audience.

Ideally, these posts should reflect your knowledge and expertise in your industry. The purpose of this type of content is to establish your credibility by being a source of compelling and useful information.


Electronic books are longer versions of written content. Through eBooks, you can go into detail regarding the topics you want to discuss with your target audience.

Usually, this type of digital content is shared with your LinkedIn network and promoted using your other social media accounts, such as Facebook and Twitter.

External Content

If you don’t have the time and resources to produce lengthy articles and detailed eBooks, you can share external content produced by other industry leaders and sources that are relevant to your industry.

Before using this option, though, make sure to thoroughly read the article to make sure that its content coincides with your brand’s identity and the image that you’re trying to establish.

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High-quality images tend to receive a lot of engagement from followers on different social media platforms. This is an effective technique as long as the image and its art copy are relevant to your company and industry.

Attaching images to your blog articles is also an effective way to get clicks from site visitors.


Videos tend to perform well on social media because not only do they capture the attention of users, but they are also prioritised by Facebook’s algorithm. This means videos have better chances of reaching a large number of users compared to other post types.

Depending on the nature of your business, you can choose to create videos containing how-to guides, product updates, service demonstrations, customer feedback, and tours of your office or facility.

Video Stories

Video stories are images and short clips that last for about 24 hours. They’re currently available on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.

Since they disappear a day after posting, stories can be effectively used for company announcements, behind-the-scenes footage, and updates for upcoming sales and special offers.

Live Videos

Another type of video content that you can utilise for your business is live videos. Aside from announcements and promotions, live videos can be used to stream events hosted by your company.

Doing so allows you to connect with your followers who are unable to physically attend the event.

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If you’re looking to share hard data, statistics, and other detailed information about your industry to your audience in an engaging way, then you should definitely consider sharing infographics.

Although this type of content is usually facts-driven, it can still capture the attention of your followers due to its visual appeal.

More importantly, infographics are designed to make detailed information more digestible and easy to understand.


The positive reviews and testimonials from your customers can improve the credibility of your brand by making it more trustworthy.

Sharing customer feedback on social media can help people in their decision-making process and encourage them to avail of your products and services.


Sharing announcements and updates about upcoming events, products, and sales can help build hype around your brand. It also appeals to many people because it allows them to get the inside scoop about your company.

These announcements can also play an important role in your marketing strategy by capturing the attention of potential paying customers.


contest-launch giveaway

Giveaways and contests are also effective social media techniques since in order to win, participants are required to engage with your post or page. Usually, this involves asking them to share the post or like your page to be part of the contest.

Of course, you’ll have to offer a prize to encourage people to join the giveaway. The prize could be something from your company or from a non-competitor.

The latter option involves collaborating with another company, which can give you an opportunity to further boost your brand visibility.


Holiday-themed posts tend to work well on social media since aside from the fact that people generally love festivities and holidays, they also give the idea that your company is part of the community.

You can also take advantage of this type of content by tweaking your holiday message to coincide with your business’ activities and offerings.

If you are struggling with your brand’s social media strategy or you’re looking to boost your digital presence, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Digital Marketer Bee. Our team of social media experts can help you develop and execute a conversion-focused social media campaign that resonates with your brand’s image and objectives.

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May 10, 2022

How to Create an Effective Facebook Ad Campaign [2023]

For many business owners, Facebook advertising plays a crucial part in their entire marketing strategy.

That’s mainly because a properly crafted ad campaign can help brands and companies reach out to their intended audience to boost their visibility, increase their leads, and improve their sales.

Since Facebook is the most widely used social media platform in the world with over 2.9 billion monthly active users, advertising on this platform is the perfect marketing action that business owners can follow.

However, before you dive into Facebook’s Ads Manager and launch campaigns for your brand, there are a few simple things that you have to consider first in order to make the most out of your budget.

Preparing these factors will help ensure that you’ll be able to launch an effective Facebook advertising campaign.

In-Stream Video Advertising

In addition to creating video content and live streaming, advertisers can also invest in in-stream video ads that range from five seconds to ten minutes. These ads can be played before, during, or after your video content and can be displayed on familiar publishers and digital-first creators who create content that is designed especially for Facebook users.

They can also be displayed during live streams from approved partners, excluding government and spiritual content.
Learn more about Facebook’s in-stream video ads here.

Immersive Ads with Facebook Stories

Using stories is a great way to connect with your target audience. According to Facebook, more than 500 million people use the Stories feature every day and over four million advertisers use it every month. You can create your Facebook Stories ad campaign either together with Instagram stories or within your Facebook feed. When creating your content, keep in mind that users want content that is:

  • fast and easy to understand
  • introduces a new product, and 
  • offers tips and advice. 

These elements will help make your content more engaging and appealing to your audience.

Invest in Vertical Content

Vertical content has become increasingly popular, and social media marketing visuals have caught up with this trend. Compared to landscape videos where people view the content from left to right, vertical format allows you to make better use of the vertical space on people’s phones, increasing the opportunity to grab their attention. 

Furthermore, according to Filmora, vertical videos offer better returns on investment for advertising, with an increased completion rate of 4% compared to horizontal videos. With this, it is crucial for brands to embrace vertical content when developing their social media marketing strategies.

Facebook Ad Creatives that Convert

Worked hard on a Facebook ad only to spend so much and make little ROAS after? Try our guide on creating ad creatives that help optimise conversions.

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Combine Ads With Content Marketing

Many business owners make the mistake of launching ads that are designed to immediately turn leads into paying customers in their first campaign on Facebook. This strategy is generally not advisable since most warm leads are not ready to buy yet.

Instead of presenting them with an outright offer, it’s better to provide them with useful content that solves their pain points while providing useful information about your products or services.

In addition to increasing your brand’s visibility, this technique lets potential customers know that you can accommodate their needs. Since you’re not looking to sell right away, your content-centric ad can come in the form of a boosted post.

Expand Your Marketing List

Launching Facebook ad campaigns is also a great way to expand your marketing list. This is usually done by running an ad with a lead magnet, such as a free e-book. Users receive the digital content in exchange for their email addresses.

The contact information that you’ll be able to collect from your new leads can then be used as the basis of your future re-targeting strategies, such as an email marketing campaign.

Incorporate Videos

If you’re not seeing the results you’re hoping for in your ads, you might want to try a different approach. One of the most effective formats that you can use is a video ad.

Aside from the fact that most users tend to engage with videos more than other ad types, they also have lower effective cost-per-click rates.This means that you’ll be able to make the most out of your ad budget with videos. Also, according to Adobe, users who view video ads are more likely to purchase compared to other ad formats.

Create Ads For Google And Facebook

Although many marketers and business owners tend to view Facebook and Google as totally different advertising platforms, running ads on both Facebook and Google is actually an effective digital marketing strategy since they can complement each other.

While Facebook is perfect for capturing leads, creating ads on Google with keywords users use when searching for related products can help boost your conversion rate.

Launch Giveaways

launch giveaway
Image source: IG / Ray White Albury Central

Another way to build brand awareness is by creating ads for Facebook contests and giveaways. This type of content isn’t always about making sales.

Instead, giveaways involve awarding followers with a high-value prize to increase brand awareness.

Running contests can help your long-term strategy by bringing new leads into your conversion funnel. However, before launching an ad for a giveaway, make sure that your contest details follow Facebook’s policies.

Go Mobile

Before running an ad campaign on any platform, one of the most important things that you have to consider is if your website or landing page has been optimised for mobile devices. After all, most users view ads using their smartphones, tablets, and other handheld gadgets.

If a person who clicks on your ads using a mobile device ends up on a non-optimised landing page, they’ll most likely leave.

So, to help ensure that leads perform the desired action after engaging with your ads, always remember to optimise your landing pages for mobile devices.

If you’re looking to boost your business’ digital growth through effective online marketing strategies, make sure to enlist the help and services of Digital Marketer Bee. Get in touch with us to learn how we can grow your leads and conversion rate through our Facebook advertising service.

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