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April 06, 2024

The Impact of Web Accessibility on People with Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behaviour. Due to its nature, this condition can make it challenging for people on the autism spectrum to use websites and navigate the internet. Specifically, sensory sensitivities, difficulties with social interactions, and communication challenges are common characteristics of autism that can impact how individuals experience and interact with websites.

In order to promote full digital inclusivity, it’s important to promote web accessibility to help individuals with disabilities, including those with autism, be able to use websites properly so they can access information, products, and services that they need.

How People on the Autism Spectrum Use the Internet

Learning how people with autism use the internet can help business owners, website operators, and web developers and designers understand how they can make their websites more accessible.

Communicating with Others

One of the key ways individuals on the autism spectrum use the internet is as a means of communication. For individuals who may struggle with face-to-face interactions due to challenges in social communication, the internet provides a more comfortable and controlled environment for engaging with others.

Learning New Information

Also, the internet serves as a valuable source of information and learning for individuals with autism. Many people with autism have a strong interest in specific topics or subjects, often referred to as “special interests.” The internet allows them to delve deeply into these interests, accessing a vast array of resources, articles, and videos that cater to their curiosity and passion.

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Expressing Themselves

In addition to communication and learning, the internet can also be a platform for self-expression and creativity for individuals with autism. Blogs, vlogs, and art-sharing platforms allow them to showcase their talents and perspectives to a global audience, fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment. Online gaming communities, in particular, provide a space for individuals with autism to engage in collaborative play, develop friendships, and build social skills in a supportive environment.

Accessible Web Design Elements for Users with Autism

Navigating the internet can pose challenges for individuals with autism, particularly due to issues related to sensory sensitivities and information processing. This is mainly due to the way many websites are designed.

For instance, bright, flashing advertisements, cluttered website layouts, and autoplaying videos can be overwhelming and distracting for individuals with sensory sensitivities, leading to difficulties in focusing and processing information.

Fortunately, the Web Accessibility Content Guidelines (WCAG) have set the necessary standards that websites should adhere to in order to provide a more inclusive digital space for everyone.

Below are some inclusive web design elements business owners can apply to their websites to make them more accessible according to the WCAG.

Sensory-Friendly Design

Individuals with autism often have heightened sensory sensitivities. To accommodate these sensitivities, designers can use a muted colour palette, avoid using bright or flashing colours, and minimise the use of distracting animations or graphics. Providing options to adjust the volume of audio elements or disable autoplay can also enhance the browsing experience for users with autism.

Clear and Consistent Navigation

People with autism often prefer clear and predictable navigation structures. Designers can achieve this by using consistent navigation menus, clear labelling, and intuitive layout patterns. Avoiding complex or non-linear navigation paths can help individuals with autism navigate websites more easily and efficiently.

Structured Layouts

A well-organized and structured layout can benefit people with autism, as it provides a sense of order and predictability. Designers can use grid layouts, logical grouping of content, and consistent spacing to create a visually balanced and structured website. This helps reduce cognitive overload and makes it easier for users to focus on the content.

Readable Content

Users with autism may have difficulty processing large amounts of text or understanding complex language. Using clear and concise language, avoiding jargon, and breaking content into digestible chunks can make it easier for users with autism to comprehend information. Incorporating visual aids such as images, icons, and infographics can also enhance understanding.

For business owners, an effective way to ensure WCAG compliance is by working with a web design agency that specialises in digital accessibility and inclusivity, such as Digital Marketer Bee. Through our web design experts and certified accessibility specialists, we can deliver professional-looking, functional, beautiful, and fully accessible websites that can be easily used by anyone, regardless of their disabilities.

Don’t let your website’s inaccessible design elements prevent your customers and site visitors from accessing the products and information that they need. Get in touch with us today and learn how we can help you identify and address your website’s accessibility barriers.


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